January 8, 2020

Inside This Issue
  • Features: The beat goes on; U of M and industry collaborate to explore fluid filtration.
  • People: U in the News features highlights of U faculty and staff cited in the media; and more.
Top News
Barley puppy

The beat goes on

Barley, a pit bull mix, was born lethargic, had little appetite, and struggled to keep up with his siblings. A trip to the University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center revealed Barley had complex congenital heart disease and congestive heart failure. Using an incision-free procedure, Veterinary Medical Center staff were able to rescue Barley from heart failure.

diesel fuel filters

U of M and industry collaborate to explore fluid filtration

Donaldson Company wants to have a clearer understanding of what’s happening at the microscopic scale that could help the company further improve its diesel fuel filter design and improve the lifespan of its filters. Since 2015, the company has sponsored eight projects through the U of M’s Minnesota Innovation Partnerships, a program that aims to lower the cost and risk for companies looking to sponsor University research and license the new technologies that result.


U in the News features highlights of U faculty and staff cited in the media. People

U-Wide News
system map screenshot

U of M System interactive map

The University of Minnesota System reaches every corner of the state, and now a new interactive map represents the breadth of its impact. From research and outreach centers and U of M Extension offices to community health clinics and testing sites for aquatic invasive species, U of M faculty, staff, students, and alumni are contributing to communities in every county.

New mileage rate effective Jan. 1

The IRS announced changes in the standard business mileage rates for calendar year 2020. Beginning Jan. 1, 2020, the standard business mileage reimbursement rate for personal vehicle use on approved University business decreases from 58 cents per mile to 57.5 cents per mile. Business mileage incurred in 2019 but reimbursed in 2020 should be reimbursed using the 2019 mileage rates. The Employee Expense Worksheet (UM1612) is being updated to reflect the change. Chrome River has already been updated with the new rate.

Civil Service Employment Rules proposed revisions

The Civil Service Consultative Committee and Employment Rules Subcommittee have proposed revisions to the Civil Service Employment Rules. Two public hearings will be held to hear constituent feedback on the proposal. Hearings will be held via Zoom on Jan. 9, 3 p.m., and Jan. 10, 8 a.m. The hearings will close when all feedback has been collected. For Zoom information, and to view the proposed revisions, visit the University Senate Blog.

No charge in January at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

The University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum won’t charge admission during the month of January. Take advantage of all the arboretum has to offer indoors and out this month, including yoga and tai chi classes, winter hiking, a family-friendly PlantMaker Studio on weekends, and more. Here are 20 ideas to get you started.

Now accepting proposals: Extension RSDP community projects

Greater Minnesota residents with an idea in agriculture and food systems, clean energy, natural resources, and resilient communities can apply for support from U of M Extension Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships (RSDP) through Feb. 14. RSDP supports local innovation by connecting community ideas to U of M knowledge and seed funding.

Jan. 15 - Webinar: Making Lifestyle Changes that Last

Year after year, people flock to the gym in January, but evidence shows that most of those people won't still be going to the gym in February. Explore how to make lifestyle changes that last with Theresa Nutt, co-director of the integrative health and wellbeing coaching program at the Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing. 12:30-1:15 p.m.

Jan. 16 - Webinar: Intentional Influence

Influence is a crucial leadership skill, but many efforts at influence fail because people are not deliberate with their time and attention. This webinar (register) will explore the nature of influence, whom and how to influence, and influence messaging. Presenter Jim Hoar’s teaching and research focus on strategy development, influence and influence tactics, and leading transformational change. Noon-1 p.m.

Due Jan. 21 - MnDRIVE Fellowships in Neuromodulation

The application period is closing soon for two MnDRIVE Fellowship Programs in Neuromodulation, funded by the Minnesota Discovery, Research and InnoVation Economy (MnDRIVE) initiative. See MnDRIVE Brain Conditions for more information about selection criteria and application instructions.

Talking caring for your dog with U of M

As 2020 begins, dog owners may consider setting New Year’s resolutions around caring for their furry friends. Jennifer Granick, associate professor in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine, provides information and tips for dog owners to help keep their dogs healthy all year long.

Research Brief: Breakthrough study on molecular interactions could improve development of new medicines

first-of-its-kind study on molecular interactions by biomedical engineers in the University of Minnesota’s College of Science and Engineering will make it easier and more efficient for scientists to develop new medicines and other therapies for diseases such as cancer, HIV, and autoimmune diseases. Additional Research Briefs include “A way of life in peril as inland lakes and rivers fail to freeze.”

earrings by Megan beck

Jan. 29 - Crookston staff member and artist to present artwork

Megan Beck, assistant director of student activities at the University of Minnesota Crookston, will host an upcoming artist talk. Beck has a degree in contemporary jewelry and metalsmithing with a minor in art history. 5:30 p.m., Prairie Lounge.

Johnson reflects on marketing internship

The opportunity to interview farmers and producers from across the country to help share their stories was one that Amber Johnson jumped at this summer. Johnson completed an internship through the Ag Marketing Resource Center. The senior from Sebeka, MN, is studying agriculture communication and communication studies with a writing emphasis.

performers on a stage

Encore performance

UMD Theatre’s production of An Enemy of the People has been selected to be performed at the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival regionals. The play, adapted and directed by Professor Tom Isbell, will be presented Jan. 17, 7:30 p.m., Dudley Experimental Theatre. Tickets for this encore production/fundraiser are available online or by calling 218-726-8561.


African American Oral History Project now available

The Duluth African American Oral History Project is now available in UMedia. This digital project was launched by the board of Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial, Inc. to document the history of Duluth’s African American community and was funded with a Legacy Grant from the Minnesota Historical Society. Thirteen people were interviewed in 2016-17, with the interviews of eight of them currently available in UMedia. 


New solar array at U of M Morris

U of M Morris recently installed a new 240-kilowatt solar array. According to Bryan Herrmann, vice chancellor for finance and facilities, the array is unique in that it sits 8 feet off the ground, which allows the University to produce solar energy on functional pastureland. The project was done in partnership with the U of M West Central Research and Outreach Center and Otter Tail Power.

Andrea Berger

My UMR with Andrea Berger

As a One Stop counselor at UMR, Andrea Berger works with students to figure out the financial aspects of attending college. She enjoys being able to alleviate stressful situations and empower students with knowledge and understanding of financial topics.

Learning Matters by Chancellor Carrell

Chancellor Lori Carrell recently wrote on her blog, Learning Matters, about the dissonance between the negative perceptions of higher education and the commitment educators bring to their work. She offers a couple suggestions in confronting this and other challenges in higher education.

Twin Cities
Fahima Osman

Facilitating fitness

Fahima Osman, a third-year College of Biological Sciences student, noticed that many Somali women in her community did not feel comfortable exercising in coed spaces. With the support of the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program and a research mentor, Osman and College of Liberal Arts undergraduate Sumaya Noor conducted research that showed barriers to exercising for Somali women. They then successfully campaigned for women-only workout spaces on campus.

International Student Academic Services Fee funding requests

Faculty and staff are invited to submit proposals for academic service projects that focus on ensuring retention, timely graduation, and satisfaction of international students. Funding for approved projects comes from an international student fee. Units may submit multiple requests, but must use a separate online submission for each project. Requests are due Feb. 21. For more information, email [email protected].

Relocation Assistance Program sabbatical housing

If you plan to go on sabbatical or be away from your home for an extended period and would like to rent it to new faculty or staff who are relocating to the Twin Cities, contact the Relocation Assistance Program (RAP) at [email protected] or 6-0775. RAP maintains a housing database where you can list your home.

Jan. 16 - Canvas Clinic

Instructors can get drop-in, hands-on support and consultation for their course sites at the Canvas Clinic. Staff will be on hand to help with back-to-school tasks, including setting up course sites, activities and resources, and using the Library Course Page. Clinics are at 512A Bruininks Hall and Room 4 St. Paul Student Center, 12:30-3:30 p.m. Bring your own laptop.

Jan. 18 - Physics Force public shows

See a physicist break a cement block on the chest of his colleague lying on a bed of nails or watch as a barrel is crushed by only the force of air at this year's U of M Physics Force shows. Physics Force shows combine large-scale physics demonstrations and slapstick humor that are fun for adults and children of all ages. Shows take place at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., Northrop. Cost: $3 for the general public; no charge for children 10 and under. Registration is required.

Jan. 27-March 2 - Mini Medical School: A 20/20 View of Cancer

Mini Medical School (register) offers a unique perspective into the health sciences. Once a week for six weeks, people with a shared interest in health embark on a journey examining the scientific foundations of health and disease. A 20/20 View of Cancer is designed to give insight into research-centric key cancer concepts and on cancer in Minnesota. 2-650 Moos Tower.

andrew zimmern

Feb. 18 - Public Lecture on Addiction with Andrew Zimmern

In this lecture (register) sponsored by the Medical School’s Medical Discovery Team on Addiction, chef, writer, teacher, traveler, and storyteller Andrew Zimmern will share his personal story of addiction and recovery—experiences that transformed his life and continue to influence how he makes his way through the world. A native New Yorker, Zimmern moved to the Twin Cities three decades ago seeking treatment at Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation. 10 a.m., Coffman Theater.

Feb. 20 - Information session: Community-Engaged Scholars Promotion and Tenure Dossier Review

University of Minnesota faculty members who conduct community-engaged research and/or teaching and are approaching the promotion and tenure process in the coming months are invited to attend an information session (register) about the University's newly formed Review Committee on Community-Engaged Scholarship. 9-10 a.m., 237 Morrill Hall.

LearningLife winter/spring courses open for registration

LearningLife offers courses, seminars, immersions, and special events, with topics ranging from architecture to end-of-life planning, as well as the popular Headliners series. Faculty, staff, and other U of M affiliated groups receive a 10 percent discount. See course offerings and register.

performers on a stage

UMTC Featured Events

Jan. 11 - Yoga at WAM | January
Jan. 12 - Winter Market at the Arboretum
Jan. 15 - Teaching with Writing Winter Workshops
Jan. 15 - Introduction to Mindfulness Community Course
Jan. 16 - Speaking Science 2020
Jan. 25 - Mark Morris Dance Group

Events Calendar